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These surreal dreamscapes by Natalja Heybroek fuse our desire for wilderness together with man-made form. What makes natural environments ideal for the human psyche, according to Environmental Psychology, are the elements of unity, legibility, complexity, and mystery. These works of art incorporate these elements, in search of hypnotic lightness.

They reflect our ability to influence our connection to our surroundings, as the physical spaces we find ourselves in shape us as beings. Places are tangible landscapes of memories and new experiences. The cities we now call home, influence our feelings, behaviours, and sense of identity. For each person, an emotional relationship is developed to place.

Perception / Human Nature

Oil on canvas | Aluminium window | 122 x 122 cm | 2022

Closely linked to those around them, each person has their own knowledge, values and beliefs. Combined this creates a greater societal representation of what is perceived to be true, which grows and develops as perception gradually morphs into new ways of thinking.

These surreal dreamscapes by Natalja Heybroek fuse our desire for wilderness together with man-made form. What makes natural environments ideal to the human psyche, according to Environmental Phychology, are the elements of unity, legibility, complexity, and mystery. These works of art incorporate these elements, in search of hypnotic lightness.

They are a reflection of our ability to influence the connection we have to our surroundings, as the physical spaces we find ourselves in shape us as beings. Places are tangible landscapes of memories and new experiences. The cities we now call home, influence our feelings, behaviours, and sense of identity. For each person, an emotional relationship is developed to place.

In a Lightness

Glass and epoxy light refraction painting | 1 x 1 metre | 2022

Light is the constant atmospheric in our life as it defines each atmosphere we find ourselves in. At a distance, this piece is serene and transparent and as you approach it, you see light refractions in the shadows, showing colours which appear after the light travels through broken glass.

A Physical Soul

Iron filing and copper temporary sculpture | 60 x 60 cm | 2022

Cities, like humans, have an identity that changes over time. Buildings go up and come down, people come and go, and companies open and close. It's each unique combination at a point in time that gives each city a personality, and when you live there you build a relationship with it.

Voyage of Influence

Oil on water video on moving cloth | 1 x 1 metre | 2022

Where we grow up and the experience of our surroundings is part of what conceives our identity. As we grow and develop as a person, our environment influences our behaviour. This video shows the meandering motion of influence, gently moving in different directions.

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